www.gusucode.com > 24Beta 虚拟主机版 1.0.0 Beta源码程序 > 24Beta 虚拟主机版 1.0.0 Beta源码程序/24Beta-1.0.0-vhost/protected/controllers/PostController.php


class PostController extends CController
	 * @return array action filters
	public function filters()
		return array(
			'accessControl', // perform access control for CRUD operations
            	'COutputCache + list',
            	'duration' => param('expireCategoryPost'),
    		    'varyByParam' => array('category', 'page'),
                'COutputCache + show',
            	'duration' => param('expirePost'),
    		    'varyByParam' => array('aid'),

	 * Specifies the access control rules.
	 * This method is used by the 'accessControl' filter.
	 * @return array access control rules
	public function accessRules()
		return array(
			array('allow',  // allow all users to perform 'list' and 'show' actions
				'actions'=>array('list', 'show', 'ajaxMark', 'create', 'ajaxCreate', 'ajaxUpdateVisitNums', 'ajaxDigg'),
			array('allow', // allow admin user to perform 'admin' and 'delete' actions
			array('deny',  // deny all users

	 * Shows a particular model.
	public function actionShow()
	    $post = $this->loadPost();
	    $ads = Advertisement::model()->getAllAvlidTokenIsKey();
	    $this->render('show', array(
	    	'post' => $post,
	        'ads' => $ads,
	 * ajax mark
	 * @return unknown_type
    public function actionAjaxMark()
	    if (!app()->request->isAjaxRequest || !app()->request->isPostRequest) {
			echo '非法请求';
		$fields = array('mark1', 'mark2');
		$field = trim($_POST['field']);
		if (!in_array($field, $fields)) {
		    echo '非法请求';
		$aid = trim($_POST['aid']);
		$mark = trim($_POST['mark']);
		$post = Post::model()->findByPk($aid);
		$field_nums = $field . '_nums';
		$field_avgmark = 'avg' . $field;
		$post->$field += $mark;
		$post->$field_nums += 1;
		$result = $post->update();
		$data['avgmark'] = $post->$field_avgmark;
		if ($result) {
		    $data['errno'] = 0;
		    $data['note'] =  sprintf('%s(%d 次打分) <span class="color-green">谢谢参与</span>', $post->$field_avgmark, $post->$field_nums);
		} else {
		    $data['errno'] = 1;
		    $data['note'] = '<span class="color-red">评分错误</a>';
		echo json_encode($data);

	public function actionAjaxDigg()
	    if (!app()->request->isAjaxRequest || !app()->request->isPostRequest) {
			echo '非法请求';
		$postId = (int)$_GET['pid'];
		$postMarkAttr = array(
		    'post_id' => $postId,
		    'mark_ip' => CdcBetaTools::getClientIp(),
		if (!param('isStrictDiggMode')) $postMark['mark_user'] = user()->isGuest ? app()->session->sessionId : user()->name;
		$postMark = PostMark::model()->findByAttributes($postMarkAttr);
		if ($postMark) {
		    $data['code'] = 2;
		    echo json_encode($data);
		$result = Post::model()->updateCounters(array('digg_nums' => 1), "id = $postId");
		if ($result) {
		    $data['code'] = 1;
		    $attr = array(
		        'post_id' => $postId,
		        'mark' => PostMark::MARK_DIGG,
		    $postMark = new PostMark($attr);
		} else {
		    $data['code'] = -1;
		echo json_encode($data);
	 * Creates a new model.
	 * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page.
	public function actionCreate()
	    if (app()->request->isPostRequest) {
	        $clientCode = trim($_POST['validateCode']);
	        if (!user()->checkAccess('noValidateCode') && !CdcBetaTools::validateCode($clientCode, true)) {
	            $result = 0;
    		    $note[] = array('text' => '验证码不正确,请勿重复提交。', 'url' => 'javascript:history.back();');
    		    $this->render('/site/prompt', array('result' => $result, 'note' => $note));
	        $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
	        $category = (int)$_POST['category'];
	        $topic = (int)$_POST['topic'];
	        $summary = trim($_POST['summary']);
	        $content = trim($_POST['content']);
	        if (empty($subject) || empty($category) || empty($topic) || empty($summary) || empty($content)) {
	            $result = 0;
    		    $note[] = array('text' => '文章主题、分类、主题、概述和内容都不能为空。', 'url' => 'javascript:history.back();');
    		    $this->render('/site/prompt', array('result' => $result, 'note' => $note));
	        $post = new Post();
    		$post->subject = $subject;
    		$post->category_id = $category;
    		$post->topic_id = $topic;
    		$post->summary = $summary;
    		$post->content = $content;
    		$post->contributor = trim($_POST['contributor']);
    		$post->contributor_email = trim($_POST['email']);
    		$post->contributor_homepage = trim($_POST['homepage']);
    		$post->source = trim($_POST['source']);
    		$post->isoriginal = (int)$_POST['isoriginal'];
    		if($post->save()) {
    		    $result = 1;
    			$note[] = array('text' => '投递文章成功,感谢您的支持。');
    			$note[] = array('text' => '继续投递文章', 'url' => url('post/create'));
    			$note[] = array('text' => '查看发表的文章', 'url' => url('post/show', array('aid' => $post->id)));
    		} else {
    		    $result = 0;
    		    $note[] = array('text' => '投递文章错误,请返回重试。', 'url' => 'javascript:history.back();');
    		$this->render('/site/prompt', array('result' => $result, 'note' => $note));
		$categorys = Category::model()->getIdNamePairs();
		$topics = Topic::model()->getIdNamePairs();
			'categorys' => $categorys,
		    'topics' => $topics,
	 * Updates a particular model.
	 * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page.
	public function actionUpdate()

	public function actionList()
	    if (app()->request->isAjaxRequest)
	 * Lists all models.
	public function loadPostList()
    	 * 获取所有有效的文章分类
        $categorys = Category::model()->getShowCategorys();
         * 获取最新的文章列表,文章数量以变量替换,换生成$pagination分布对象
        $category_id = (int)trim($_GET['category']);
        $activePosts = Post::model()->getActivePosts(param('listPostsNums'), $category_id);
         * 获取访问量最高的新闻列表,条数以变量替换
        $maxVisit = Post::model()->getTopVisit($category_id, null, param('topPostsNums'));
         * 获取评论数量量最多的新闻列表,条数以变量替换
        $maxComment = Post::model()->getTopComment($category_id, null, param('topPostsNums'));
         * 获取编辑推荐的新闻列表,条数以变量替换
        $editorRecommend = Post::model()->getEditorRecommend($category_id, null, param('editorRecommendNums'));
         * 获取热门文章
        $hotPosts = Post::model()->getHotPosts(param('hotPostsNums'));
         * 获取编辑推荐的评论,条数以变量替换
        $recommendComment = Comment::model()->getRecommendComment(param('recommendCommentNums'));
        $ads = Advertisement::model()->getAllAvlidTokenIsKey();
        $friendLinks = FriendLink::model()->getAllFriendLinks(FriendLink::YES);
		$data = array(
			'categorys'    => $categorys,
		    'hotPosts'     => $hotPosts,
		    'maxVisit'	   => $maxVisit,
		    'maxComment'   => $maxComment,
		    'editorRecommend' => $editorRecommend,
		    'recommendComment' => $recommendComment,
		    'ads' => $ads,
		    'friendLinks' => $friendLinks,
		$data = array_merge($data, $activePosts);
		$this->render('list', $data);
	 * ajax Lists all models.
	public function ajaxLoadPostList()
	    $category_id = (int)trim($_GET['category']);
        $activePosts = Post::model()->getActivePosts(param('listPostsNums'), $category_id);
        $ads = Advertisement::model()->getAllAvlidTokenIsKey();
		$data = array(
		    'ads' => $ads,
		$data = array_merge($data, $activePosts);
		$this->renderPartial('/_public/post_list', $data);

	 * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
	 * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
	 * @param integer the primary key value. Defaults to null, meaning using the 'id' GET variable
	public function loadPost($id = null)
		if ($id !== null || isset($_GET['aid'])) {
		    $postModel = Post::model();
		    $data = $postModel->with('category', 'topic')->findbyPk($id !== null ? $id : $_GET['aid']);
		if ($data === null)
			throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
		return $data;

	public function actionAjaxUpdateVisitNums()
	    if (!app()->request->isAjaxRequest || !app()->request->isPostRequest) {
			echo '非法请求';
		$postId = (int)$_POST['postid'];
		$result = Post::model()->updateCounters(array('visit_nums' => param('visitNumsStep')), "id = $postId");
		echo (int)$result;